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COVID-19 Response

Village Launch is a connection point for under-resourced entrepreneurs and experienced business professionals. Our aim is to help facilitate grass-root economic development in our communities. Our vision is to enable individuals to become providers, contributors, and creators in their communities.


Village Launch is a lifeline of support and encouragement to under-resourced entrepreneurs who are overcoming COVID-19 related obstacles. Now, more than ever, it is evident that entrepreneurs are the backbone of our economy.

Your gift will facilitate grass-roots economic development in our communities

Self-employed entrepreneurs who started their businesses through Village Launch are facing unprecedented financial hardship during this time.

  • Personal livelihoods are at stake

  • Lost revenue from shutdown

  • Caring for children at home

  • Unable to access conventional sources of lending and training

Will you help them get back on their feet?


Underwrite the cost for our entrepreneur training classes.

Cover the cost of business experts who provide essential workshops and mentoring.

Provide one-on-one training sessions and coaching

Create a scholarship fund for participants.

$100 funds one training manual | $250 funds one entrepreneur | $500 funds one facilitator


How we are responding:

Now more than ever it is important for us to continue providing resources to those in our community with a desire to launch a sustainable business. In an effort to implement social distancing and keep our participants and facilitators safe, Village Launch has:

1. Transitioned our Business Entrepreneur Academy to virtual classes
2. Started hosting free webinars for our alumni to update their business plans
3. Cultivated some amazing resources from our community partners for entrepreneurs
