

Volunteers play a critical role in the work of Village Launch. We have listed some of the ways you can support our program.

If you are interested in being involved with Village Launch, please fill out the form here.


Guest Speaker

Have a skill that you can share? We need guest speakers to share on a number of topics including: Marketing, knowing your customer, business structure, fixed and variable costs and finding your bottom line, accounting, raising capital, and knowing yourself. If you have specialty in any other these areas and would like to give your experience and perspective we would love to have you speak! One time commitment!


Business Intensive Instructor

Are you passionate about a specific subject? We host monthly Alumni Events and are currently looking for professionals that go in-depth on key subjects. We are looking for experts on Marketing, Social Media, Sales, QuickBooks, Product Photography, and more! If you have a topic your would like to teach to our alumni please let us know below!



Are you a BEA alumni, an entrepreneur or do you own a business? We are currently looking for Facilitators who are willing to walk our participants through our 10-week Business Entrepreneur Academy. We will train you through our Co-Starters curriculum and prepare you to facilitate a cohort with another facilitator.



Get paired with one of our entrepreneurs once they have completed our 10 week Business Entrepreneur Academy. You and your mentee will check in with each other bi-weekly virtually or in person. We ask for a minimum of 6 months commitment. You will help them navigate the ups and downs of starting/growing their business, offering advice or resources to guide them along in their journey.


 Interested in helping out? Drop us a line here.